Arguably a little early, but I'm an organised soul and have been
thinking a lot about what I want to achieve next month. Let's face it,
this month has gone incredibly quick (well I think so anyway) and we
only have 5 days left of August! So whilst I'm trying to keep up my
motivation and positive mood I thought I would go ahead and share my
goals today... even if it is a little unconventional.
Continue to grow my Instagram
Continue to grow my Instagram
Instagram has been a bit up and down lately. I'm finding it a bit more
difficult finding "insta-piration" whilst I'm working long hours and I
want my pics to be a bit more meaningful in places. I have settled on a
theme and mastered hashtags (or so I think) so likes have been growing
massively. I certainly want to continue to grow and work on what I'm
putting out there over the next month. So stay tuned and check it out I
you feel like a nosey.
Create a better blog routine
Create a better blog routine
have been pretty organised lately and 99% of the time I am writing
content in advance, but there is the occasional slip where I have to set
an alarm to ensure a post goes out at 10 every morning. This post for
example has been written today and although I like writing in real-time,
I have a slight OCD about ensuring my posts go out religiously at 10. I
have tons of ideas and will be back on track this weekend, I just need
to adjust my routine slightly. If you need tips or ideas for keeping on
top of blog posts, take a look at this post. Just remember we are all
human and sometimes life takes up time in other places.
Stay Positive
Stay Positive
yesterday's post I talked about Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and
this has been starting to make an appearance a little early this year. I
have made a lot of changes and big decisions lately and although
perhaps a little overwhelming, they are all good. I have struggled in
the past with a negative mindset (especially at the beginning of this
year) and I have started to develop a much healthier and happier outlook
on life. I am so determined to keep this going and push through life
with a smile. *Gives herself an imaginary fist pump*
Eat Breakfast
Eat Breakfast
possibly the silliest sounding goal I know, but I find it so difficult
remembering to eat breakfast. I think I have mentioned this before and I
am still trying to work out a breakfast routine especially with
different working hours. I think I would really feel the benefit of it
and know it's important to keep energy throughout the day. I just need
to give myself a kick up the butt.
Boost my Bloglovin
Boost my Bloglovin
I signed up to Bloglovin I didn't really know a huge amount about it.
If I'm being completely honest, I set it up and checked it once a week
if that. I now use it a lot more for reading other blogs and staying up
to date but I don't really promote my own blog. I will be working on
this a bit more during September because it's a really handy space for
Stop Comparing myself to other bloggers
Stop Comparing myself to other bloggers
has never been my strong point and I have been trying desperately hard
not to compare my blog and myself to others in the Bloggersphere. It is
however a struggle at times and I know I'm not the only one. If you
notice, on my blog and Instagram I have very few selfies or outfit posts
and that's not because I don't want to show them, it's purely down to
lack of self-confidence. With the blogging scene being so popular (which
is great!) it can be difficult putting out your content without having a
small voice in your head tell you that someone has done something
similar and done it 10 times better. I definitely don't want this to
hold me back so fingers crossed for more confidence this month and more
content that pushes myself.
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