Lush Shampoo and Conditioner bar review

 Lush Shampoo and Conditioner bar

A little while ago I had a week away and that for me gave a great excuse for having a little spree in Lush. Thinking I was being a little clever and practical, I picked up the "Honey I Washed My Hair" shampoo bar and the "BIG" solid conditioner to go with it. Smaller products.. better for travel right?

Honey I Washed My Hair solid shampoo bar (£6.25)
First off, this bar is described as "deliciously toffee scented, this syrupy sweet bar will make your hair turn heads". That was enough for me, say the words toffee-scented and sweet and I'm there! The bar does smell glorious to say the least and the reviews on the Lush website filled me with hope. I wish I felt the same as so many of those "reviewers". 

Sadly the friendship between the shampoo bar and I was just not meant to be. My problem (although I mostly love the fact) is that I have thick hair. On first impressions this bar was great. It foamed up perfectly with hardly any effort, it smelt like a dream and my hair was clean.. well at least for a day. My hair just didn't click with the product and after a couple of weeks of continuously having to wash my hair, I gave up and headed back to the shampoo bottles. I am one of those girls who hates washing their hair. I will reluctantly wash my hair 2-3 times a week (don't judge) and dry shampoo in between if needed. This bar just didn't suit my routine regardless of how much I wanted it to. 

BIG solid conditioner bar (£5.95)
I had a big falling out with this bar, let me tell you. So for ages I thought I was using the bar wrong (which isn't really that possible), but I couldn't for the life of me lather it up in any way. I tried anything and everything but nope, not happening. For about 4 washes I tried to persist with it, but in all honesty my hair was hardly touched and has never felt so knotty after a shower. I gave up with this one a lot sooner than the shampoo bar. Another issue I have with this product is the storage. You can buy a tin perfectly sized for the shampoo bar, which I did as it was perfect for my travels.. why not do the same for the conditioner bar?

So there's my feelings on the two products. I love Lush and wish I loved these just as much as their other products, but the truth is that these aren't for thick hair (or atleast for my hair). Perhaps that's really obvious for you guys, but I scrolled down the product descriptions before buying and there was nothing to say that the product is best for certain hair types. Sadly, its a thumbs down this time.  

What are your thoughts?


  1. I love Lush but I have never tried either of these products. Such a shame they didn't work for you!

    Emily xo

    1. Thank you for reading. Maybe you will have more luck, if you try them out let me know what you think x


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