Where Can I Get Professional Looking Templates For My Blog?


Whether you already have a blog or are thinking about starting one, layout and look is something you might want to change early on. The good news is that there are tons of options for both Blogger (like myself) and Wordpress users. There are also many free options too, but in my experience (and personal opinion) paid templates are the way to go if you want your blog to look more professional. There are three places I would recommend for awesome templates and I hope you find these links useful for your own blogging needs.

Pipdig is the first place I went to for a decent looking template. They have tons of options and some great designs. It's well worth a look but keep in mind that these vary between £30-£50 depending on what template you prefer. I will say that Pipdig also have really clear and useful support pages. I've used it a number of times and it certainly helped reduce stress levels when trying to sort out my blog.

Envye is much the same as Pipdig but prices are in dollars. There are still a number of professional looking templates and costs are around the same price range. Out of Envye and Pipdig, I would probably prefer Pipdig but that's just my personal preference. I will say that Envye does however have more colourful options, so if that's what you are after Envye could be for you.

I very recently used an Etsy template and it was so much cheaper! I wish I knew Etsy stores sold templates from the get go! Honestly go and look because options are endless and a lot of them start from around £4! Now that's more like it. Just make sure you read the description to see what the customisation options include. So glad I came across this option. Just because it's cheaper doesn't mean it looks less professional.  


  1. Thanks for this! I hadn't really thought of looking on Etsy before for stuff like this. I also really love what Pipdig offers but my only problem with them is that every time I come across a template from them that I like, it's one everyone else already has!

    Julia // The Sunday Mode

    1. Etsy have great options! I know what you mean about pipdig, hopefully they bring out more designs soon. x


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