So let's say you've woken up in the best mood. You have already had breakfast, made your bed and damn you are feeling motivated! The computer is ready for you to start your next blogging masterpiece and ... nothing. Complete zilch! Well that was short-lived wasn't it.
Inspiration to write doesn't always come easy and if you think you're the only one who struggles with "bloggers block" you are wrong. We all get into a bit of a funk every now and then and we eventually develop different ways to get over it. What works for me may not work for you, but here's some tips and ideas that may be worth a go.
If I am really lacking in the motivation department, I like to take 30mins to an hour to myself and just watch some YouTube. Right now I'm really loving moving vlogs and homeware hauls but it does vary. Of course whatever you like to watch is all up to you and your personal choice. You may be surprised at what ideas spring up when your distracted.
Here's one that I've been trying out alot recently. Get a piece of paper and your trusty pen, then set a timer for five minutes. Use that time to write down any big or small idea that pops into your head. Even if you write down single words, it can be a great way of sparking some new post ideas that you have never thought of before.
Walk It Out
I'm always a fan of taking a walk when I'm stressed. I may not always come back full of ideas, but my energy levels have usually jumped up a notch or two. If nothing else, atleast you have had a break and taken in some fresh air right?
Talk To Other Bloggers
It doesn't have to be bloggers specifically, it could be a friend or family member, but there's nothing wrong with asking others for a little advice or some help with ideas. Remember we are all in the same boat and plenty of bloggers are willing to share ideas. Why not try a blogger chat on Twitter?
Take a Break
If nothing is driving you right now, just take a break. I'm not saying don't blog for months, but to have some time to yourself and come back with a fresh mind. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself, because it's much better to not write at all than to write and share something that you really aren't proud of. If your not into it, it will show.
Do these tips work for you? Share your tips and methods for more bloggers inspo!
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