10 things That Make Me Happy


Whilst forever trying to keep a positive mind, I having been thinking about the things in life that make me happy. I don't think I have ever sat down and really thought about it, but it certainly makes me appreciate the little things in life. Here's my list.

  1. Family days - an old cliché I know, but now that I don't live with my family I really appreciate the time we have together. It feels like a mini road-trip on the way to see my family and the day is always a new experience. I certainly miss my parents and grandparents when I'm not around them and a visit is much needed at times. Even if the day consists of watching TV with my granddad dozing on the sofa.  
  2. Cozy nights in - I'm not a "clubber" in anyway shape or form and thankfully neither is Jase. Even on the weekend I love nothing more than cuddling up in bed and watching YouTube for a few hours. The simple things ay?
  3. Disney parks - I grew up on Disney films and Disney holidays to Walt Disney World and Disneyland Paris. Yes I was a very lucky girl! Disney practically runs in my blood and now Jase is just the same. No holiday beats a Disney holiday and we can't wait to go on more adventures.
  4. Musicals - Be it film or a show, I bloody love a musical. I was an odd child who knew all the songs to most Doris Day films and loved curling up to watch classics like Singing in the Rain and My Fair Lady. I'm the same to this day only now I can enjoy spending my own money on a show in London. Wicked is one of my particular favourites.
  5. Shopping - Yes it may be a bit superficial or vain, but I love shopping. Beauty products, homeware, clothes.. I love it all. There's something about shopping that I just find relaxing and there's nothing wrong with a bit of retail therapy when you have the money to.
  6. PJ's - On a weekend or basically any evening after work.. I live in my PJ's. They are baggy and cozy and let's face it, I'm not trying to impress anyone. If it was acceptable to wear PJ's outside on a daily basis, I probably would.
  7. Ikea - One of Jase's most hated stores. A good day out for me is a visit to Ikea. In fact on atleast two of my previous birthdays I have spent a couple of hours inside Ikea. I don't even have my own place yet but I can't stay away. Love a bit of homeware shopping.
  8. Going to the hairdressers - I am most relaxed when someone is playing with my hair. I could very nearly fall asleep, although thankfully this hasn't happened at the hairdressers yet. A new hairstyle and a head massage? Yep I'm in!
  9. Eating out - I am such a foodie and restaurants are really exciting to me. Sad as that me be.
  10. Christmas - Who doesn't love Christmas?! Seeing family, Christmas music, a roast, lots of cake and pressies! It's my favourite time of year.
What's on your list?



  1. Yeah I'm the same, when all my friends were going 'out' I was one of the only people who just wanted to stay in and chill and watch movies or something and I'm still the exact same now.

    Julia // The Sunday Mode


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