Lets Chat : Driving Anxiety

Looking a bit gloomy lately and I'm trying to keep a positive vibe going, but in all honesty I'm starting to struggle. My anxiety levels are starting to rise especially when driving and I'm feeling pretty drained. A horrible and very unappreciated combination of SAD and driving anxiety is not something I enjoy.  

Having anxiety about driving isn't something a lot of people understand. For most people you get in the car, drive, listen to the radio and boom you're there. In my head it doesn't work like that. I decided I didn't want to drive when I was still at school. A family incident made me realise that driving was and still is a big responsibility that shouldn't be taken lightly.

Fast forward to when I moved in with Jase, buses were once every hour if you're lucky and that doesn't fit with working hours very well. I did eventually learn to drive but my confidence took a long time to grow due to my first and second car being from a garage that were clearly selling crap cars. This caused a lot of debt and a lot of breaking down. I had two cars returned within the space of eight weeks because of it. I eventually gained my car now which I love but last year I skidded on black ice and had a rather scary experience. Confidence was back to zero. 

I'm getting better and gradually going on longer drives etc but I still overthink the whole driving process. Feeling anxious about something you do every day is not fun. Do you experience anything like this?


  1. Well I don't have anxiety toward driving but I do have other anxiety problems where (it's a long story) but I can get massive anxiety toward doing just day to day things that other people wouldn't even think twice about so I know what that feels like! You're definitely not alone there :)

    Julia // The Sunday Mode

  2. YES. Understand all of your struggles, I relate so much to this. It's so difficult when I have anxiety about the daily tasks I need to do, in your case driving. It's a struggle to get over it, I fight every day. I think it's so good that you're doing it gradually, that's what helps for me- taking small steps everyday.
    -Girl Conquers World

  3. Thank you both for commenting. It's so nice to hear other people have the same feelings and struggles, nice to not be alone xx


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